Running from 1988 to 1992, the late night cult tv show was originally hosted by the Hitman, Pete Waterman and Her, Michaela Strachan. The show always came live from a local nightclub and showcased the best of the Italo- house and rave scene and was much loved by clubbers.
The guys behind our version of the show were heavily involved in that scene and co- incidentally with promoting the releases that Pete’s very own PWL records released from that period. Our tribute show features a broad mix of the content of the original- features such as Pass the Mic, Clothes Swap and Showing out and is co- hosted by our very own updated version of the Hitman, Pete Walkman, together with the original dance troupe leader, Wiggy.
Guest artists for this one can include 2 Unlimited, N.Trance, Sash and Tina Cousins, Bananarama and Angie Brown.
We may even be able to persuade our mate, the original Hit Man, to tread the stage again as compere for larger events.